Source: Clinical Directors Network, Inc.
Type: PDF Powerpoint Handout
Level: Basic
Description: This is a PDF hand-out of a presentation conducted by Dr. Jonathan N. Tobin, President and CEO of Clinical Directors Network, at the 2013 National Association of Community Health Centers Community Health Institute and Expo in Chicago, IL. As a best-practice example, he discusses the infrastructure of this Practice-Based Research Network (PBRN), Clinical Directors Network, and also a network of PBRNS, N2: Building a Network of Safety Net PBRNS, which is funded by the Agency for Health Care Research and Quality (AHRQ, Grant # 1 P30-HS-021667). He describes how this infrastructure supports bottom-up and top-down approaches to translational research implementation within Health Centers across the nation. He also describes an example of research training for clinical leaders, conducted at Lutheran Family Health Centers, a program meant to facilitate the development of translational research within Health Center networks.
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NACHC CHI2013 Tools for Building Research Infrastructure at Health Centers
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