Getting Started

Readiness Assessment

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Source: March of Dimes Foundation

Type: Online Paper

Level: Intermediate

Description: This toolkit provides strategies and tools, such as research readiness checklists, sample forms and case stories, based on lessons learned from the national and community partners involved in the Genetics Education Needs Evaluation (GENE) Project, a cooperative agreement between the March of Dimes and the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA).Author: Aida Giachello

Study Design 101

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Source: George Washington University Medical Center

Type: Online Tutorial

Level: Basic

Description: Overview of Meta Analysis, Systematic Review, Practice Guideline, Randomized Controlled Trial, Cohort Study, Case Control Study, Case Reports

Continuing Education Credits: N/A

Clinical Trials: The Basic Workbook

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Source: National Cancer Institute (NCI)

Type: Online Tutorial

Level: Basic

Description: This workbook is designed to complement the other materials in the NCI Clinical Trials Education Series. Each section of this workbook features information about different aspects of clinical trials, usually followed by an exercise or questions.

Continuing Education Credits: N/A

Clinical Research Introduction

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Source: Clinical Trials Network

Type: Online Course

Level: Basic

Discription: Clinical Trials Network (CTN): Best Practices; Duke University

Toolkit for Building Primary Care Research at Your Community Health Center

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Source: Harvard Catalyst

Type: Online Modules

Level: Intermediate

Description: This toolkit is designed for both clinicians and administrators at Community Health Centers and offers various training modules that address important aspects of building an effective primary care research infrastructure. The stand-alone modules can be viewed in any order and cover topics ranging from how to build infrastructure, to funding, and dissemination.

Your Role in Cancer Clinical Trials

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Source: Education Network to Advance Cancer Clinical Trials

Type: online reading

Level: Basic

Description: Three one-hour e-learning courses developed by the Education Network to Advance Cancer Clinical Trials (ENACCT) to help advocates, providers, and patients learn more about the promotion and discussion of treatment options, especially cancer clinical trials for minorities and the medically underserved.

‘Be Gentle and Be Sincere About It’: A Story About Community-Based Primary Care Research (2008)

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Source: Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center, Albuquerque

Type: Electronic Academic Paper

Level: Basic

Description: An article that gives insight on how to listen to gain trust the trust of the community. A researcher gains powerful insight when a focus group evaluates his intentions with a cultural metaphor.Authors: Andrew L. Sussman, Marino Rivera

Community Health Status Indicators

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Source: U.S Department of Health and Human Services

Type: Online Reading

Level: Basic

Description: This site creates allows you to search for health statistics at the county level on various measures.


Building a Research Agenda for Community Health Centers and the Medically Underserved: Meeting Proceedings (2007)

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Source: National Association of Community Health Centers

Type: Online Journal Article

Level: Intermediate

Description: This article provides a review of the National Association of Community Health Centers meeting proceedings in December 2005 to build a national community health center research agenda.  Authors: Michelle Proser, Kaytura Felix Aaron, David Meyers, Claire Cornell.

Tools for Building Research Infrastructure at Health Centers

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Source: Clinical Directors Network, Inc.

Type: PDF Powerpoint Handout

Level: Basic

Description: This is a PDF hand-out of a presentation conducted by Dr. Jonathan N. Tobin, President and CEO of Clinical Directors Network, at the 2013 National Association of Community Health Centers Community Health Institute and Expo in Chicago, IL.  As a best-practice example, he discusses the infrastructure of this Practice-Based Research Network (PBRN), Clinical Directors Network, and also a network of PBRNS, N2: Building a Network of Safety Net PBRNS, which is funded by the Agency for Health Care Research and Quality (AHRQ, Grant # 1 P30-HS-021667). He describes how this infrastructure supports bottom-up and top-down approaches to translational research implementation within Health Centers across the nation. He also describes an example of research training for clinical leaders, conducted at Lutheran Family Health Centers, a program meant to facilitate the development of translational research within Health Center networks.

Click Here to View:

NACHC CHI2013 Tools for Building Research Infrastructure at Health Centers