Level – Advanced

Advanced Topics in Implementation Science Research

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Source: NCI (National Cancer Institute)

Type: Audio/video capture (60 min in duration)

Level: Advanced

Description:   The topic of this webinar is “How engaged are we? Measuring community engagement and partnership”. This webinar provides detailed models and strategies to implement and monitor community engagement and Community-based Participatory Research (CBPR).


Integrating Patient-Centered Outcomes into CBPR: A Real-World Example

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Source: Clinical Directors Network, Inc.

Type: Audio/video capture (mp4; 14min in duration)

Level: Intermediate

Description: This session aims to capture a real-world example of a collaborative, community-engaged research partnership. We hope that viewers are able to use these examples as a model in developing their own Community-Based Participatory Research (CPBR) projects.

The featured CBPR Project is entitled “Establishing a Community-Associated Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) Surveillance Network”, funded by: The Rockefeller University Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCTS); Pilot Grant and Administrative Supplement (NIH-NCATS Grant # 8-UL1-TR000043). This project is a collaboration between the Rockefeller University, multiple Community Health Centers (Urban health Plan, Manhattan Physicians Group 125th Street, Open Door Family Health Center, Hudson River Health Care, Brookdale Family Care Center, and Manhattan Physicians Group 95th Street), and multiple Practice Based Research Networks (Alliance of Chicago, Clinical Directors Network, Inc. of New York City and STARNet, San Antonio Texas). All members are engaged and participate onsite or virtually.

Dr. Jonathan N. Tobin President and CEO of Clinical Directors Network, Inc. leads a discussion about patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR). He talks about the definition of PCOR, how PCOR relates to clinical outcomes, and engages the group in discussion about how to incorporate patient-centered outcomes into the CA-MRSA research project. CHC are engaged in exploring outcomes to investigate taken directly from their patient’s experiences at the FQHC. This is used to drive the research development process.

Tackling Practical Methodological Challenges of Using Electronic Data for CER and PCOR

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Source: EDM Forum

Type: On-demand, streaming presentation with voiceover; duration: 90 min.

Level: Advanced

Description: The final webinar in the 2012 EDM Forum Medical Care Special Supplement Series, addressed methodological considerations for collecting and using electronic clinical data for research and QI. This session presented a data quality assessment framework in multi-site studies to distinguish true variations in care from data quality problems, and described selected conceptual and practical challenges of developing multi-site diabetes and asthma registries. Authors: Jay R. Desai, MPH, HealthPartners; Michael Kahn, Md, PhD, University of Colorado, Denver; Russell E. Glasgow, PhD, National Cancer Institute.

UDS Mapper

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Source: UDS Mapper

Type: Webinars

Level: Advanced

Description: This website provides links to webinars focusing on how to use the UDS Mapper. The UDS Mapper is a “mapping and decision-support tool driven primarily from data within the Uniform Data System (UDS)… designed to help inform users about the current geographic extent of U.S. federally (Section 330)-funded Health Center Program (HCP).”

AHRQ Effective Health Care Program Webcasts

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Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Effective Health Care Program

Type: Webcasts

Level: Advanced

Description: This is the EHC Programs listing of recent webcasts that promote discussion among methodologists, researchers, and clinicians. Topics include stakeholder engagement and patient centered outcomes research, and comparative effectiveness research.


SF424 (R&R) Application and Electronic Submission Information

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Source: U. S Department of Health and Human Services, National Institute of Health and Human Services

Type: Website

Level: Advanced

Description: This website provides guidelines regarding electronic submission of the SF424 form, SBIR/STTR applications and individual fellowship applications.

Finding Solutions to Challenges in Community-Based Participatory Research Between Academic and Community Organizations (2006)

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Source: Journal of Interprofessional Care

Type: PDF document

Level: Advanced

Description: This article provides a case study of the challenges of community-academic partnerships and suggested solutions.

Easy Approaches to Convert Quality Improvement to Research

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Source: Improving Science Research Network

Type: Web Seminar

Level: Advanced

Description: “With the approaches described in this seminar, it becomes clear that for the clinician, there is no hospital too small for conducting improvement research; and for the scientist, there is no research question too big that can’t be answered and supported through a research network. Today, multi-site network studies are a necessity to generate evidence for healthcare improvement and patient safety, but how well do they work? Join the ISRN for a discussion on easing the transition of a project from quality improvement to research.”

Toolkit for Building Primary Care Research at your Community Health Center: Module 3- Data Access and Utilization

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Source: Harvard Catalyst

Type: Online Modules

Level: Intermediate

Description: Community health centers that serve our most vulnerable populations play an important role in improving the health of communities. The potential for their role in the research enterprise and in translating evidence into practice is enormous. But, they often lack the infrastructure, resources, and time necessary to effectively lead or collaborate in research. This toolkit is designed to provide clinical and administrative staff at Community Health Centers with the elements involved in building a primary care research infrastructure.

Module 3 focuses on strengths and limitations of using electronic medical records for research or QI efforts and provides information on identifying analytical infrastructure needs, data storage security and maintenance, and components of data use agreement.

The toolkit is a product of the Safety Net Infrastructure Initiative, a program of the Community Health Innovation and Research Program, Harvard Catalyst | The Harvard Clinical and Translational Science Center.


Why Should Nonprofits Care?

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Source: Journal for Nonprofit Managers

Type: Electronic Journal Article

Level: Advanced

Description: This article discusses the importance of evaluations to an organization’s work