
Community Engagement: A Real-World Example

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Source: Clinical Directors Network, Inc.

Type: audio and video segment (mp4; 2 min in duration)

Level: Basic

Description: This session aims to capture a real-world example of a collaborative, community-engaged research partnership. We hope that viewers are able to use these examples as a model in developing their own Community-Based Participatory Research (CPBR) projects.

The featured CBPR Project is entitled “Establishing a Community-Associated Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) Surveillance Network”, funded by: The Rockefeller University Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCTS); Pilot Grant and Administrative Supplement (NIH-NCATS Grant # 8-UL1-TR000043). This project is a collaboration between the Rockefeller University, multiple Community Health Centers (Urban health Plan, Manhattan Physicians Group 125th Street, Open Door Family Health Center, Hudson River Health Care, Brookdale Family Care Center, and Manhattan Physicians Group 95th Street), and multiple Practice Based Research Networks (Alliance of Chicago, Clinical Directors Network, Inc. of New York City and STAR-NET, San Antonio Texas). All members are engaged and participate onsite or virtually.

This is a real-world example of a community-engaged research project: entitled “Engagement and Outreach to Barbershops and Beauty Salons for Education Outreach about Community-Associated Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA)”. Clinician Rhonda Burgess, RN, BSN from CHC Manhattan Physicians Group explains development and implementation of the project.

Sample Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

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Source: Early Detection Research Network at National Cancer Institute, National Institute of Health

Type: PDF Document

Level: Intermediate

Description: This is a sample MOU outlining the relationship between the Early Detection Research Network at the National Cancer Institute and the Canary Foundation.

Collaborating with External Researchers Worksheet

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Source: Institute for Community Health and Cambridge Health Alliance

Type: Worksheet

Level: Intermediate

Description: This is an example of a worksheet/partner agreement form that  clarifies key areas that should be addressed prior to collaborative engagement.

Sample Statement of Work

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Source: AAPCHO

Type: PDF document

Level: Intermediate

Description: This document is a statement of work for a study entitled, “Garlic and the Prevention of Cancer” between a community health center and an academic institution. This sample provides language and structure for upon which to build.

Sample Memorandum of Agreement between Academia and Community Health Center

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Source: AAPCHO

Type: PDF document

Level: Intermediate

Description: This document is a MOA for sharing management responsibilities and for the sub contract relationship between an academic institution and a community health center.

Master Clinical Trial Agreement

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Source: AAPCHO

Type: PDF document

Level: Advanced

Description: This document offers language to use in drafting a clinical trial agreement.

Sample Memorandums of Understanding (MOU)

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Source: AAPCHO

Type: PDF document

Level: Intermediate

Description: These documents are examples of MOUs developed by Community-Academic Partnerships in conducting community-based participatory research. Samples include “Promoting Breast Health Information in Chinese and Filipinos” and “Friendly Access.”

More Sample Memorandums of Understanding (MOU)

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Source: Community-Campus Partnerships for Health

Type: PDF document

Level: Intermediate

Description: Collected by Community-Campus Partnerships for Health (CCPH), these documents are more examples of MOUs and MOAs (Memorandums of Agreement) developed for an array of partnerships.

CDC Prevention Research Center’s Partnership Trust Tool

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Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Type: Electronic Journal Article

Level: Intermediate

Description: Developed by the CDC, this tool kit helps assess and build trust between all partners in a collaborative, including but not limited to researchers, academia, communities, health departments.

CHC Research Collaboration Questionnaire – Asian Health Services (AHS)

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Source: Asian Health Services

Type: Electronic Questionnaire Tool

Level: Basic

Description: This document provides helpful questions for community organizations to ask of other organizations wishing to collaborate with them to better understand the goals and terms of collaboration.