Source: Waiane Coast Comprehensive Health Center
Type: PDF
Level: Basic
Description: This tool presents the factors considered in IRB approval from a health center perspective.
Source: Waiane Coast Comprehensive Health Center
Type: PDF
Level: Basic
Description: This tool presents the factors considered in IRB approval from a health center perspective.
Source: WCCHC
Type: PDF document
Level: Intermediate
Description: This document is an example of a successful grant application and provides samples of crucial elements in a grant proposal.
Source: AAPCHO
Type: PDF document
Level: Intermediate
Description: This document highlights changes to the grant application process effective January 25, 2010.
Source: NIH Center for Scientific Review
Type: Electronic Journal Article
Levels: Basic
Description: NIH Center for Scientific Review
Source: NIH Center for Scientific Review
Type: Electronic Journal Article
Level: Intermediate
Description: NIH Center for Scientific Review
Source: Center for Scientific Review
Type:Electronic Journal Article
Level: Intermediate
Description: Advice for writing a good NIH grant from former and current study section chairs.
Source: National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
Type: Electronic Journal Article
Level: Intermediate
Description: National Institutes of Health. 2005.
Source: AAPCHO
Type: PDF document
Level: Intermediate
Description: This document is a statement of work for a study entitled, “Garlic and the Prevention of Cancer” between a community health center and an academic institution. This sample provides language and structure for upon which to build.
Source: AAPCHO
Type: PDF document
Level: Intermediate
Description: This document is a MOA for sharing management responsibilities and for the sub contract relationship between an academic institution and a community health center.
Source: AAPCHO
Type: PDF document
Level: Advanced
Description: This document offers language to use in drafting a clinical trial agreement.
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