Implementing Your Research

Formative Evaluation: Fostering Real-Time Adaptions and Refinements to Improve the Effectiveness of Patient-Centered Medical Home Interventions

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Source: PCMH (Patient Centered Medical Home)

Type: Article

Level: Intermediate

Description: This article explains the different stages of formative evaluations.

Efficient Orthogonal Designs: Testing the Comparative Effectiveness of Alternative Ways of Implementing Patient-Centered Medical Home Components

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Source: PCMH (Patient Centered Medical Home)

Type: Article

Level: Intermediate

Description: “Efficient orthogonal design is a tool that must be used at the outset of a study that can be used to compare the effectiveness of different ways of deploying each component of a PCMH, as well as how the effects of individual components interact with one another.”

Cognitive Task Analysis: Methods to Improve Patient-Centered Medical Home Models by Understanding and Leveraging its Knowledge Work

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Source: PCMH (Patient Centered Medical Home)

Type: Article

Level: Intermediate

Description: ”Cognitive task analysis (CTA) is a family of methods designed to reveal the thinking involved in performing tasks in real-world contexts. CTA can be used to uncover and describe key patterns, variations, opportunities for improvement, and leverage the “knowledge work”—not just the physical work—of primary care staff and clinicians implementing PCMH models.”

Anthropological Approaches: Uncovering Unexpected Insights About the Implementation and Outcomes of Patient-Centered Medical Home Models

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Source: PCMH (Patient Centered Medical Home)


Type: Article


Level: Intermediate


Description: “Anthropology explores human culture, behavior, and expression using an ethnographic approach, which employs multiple methods of data collection to construct a holistic and contextual view of the phenomena under study. It excels in uncovering unexpected insights by studying a topic in person, in situ, over time, and from diverse perspectives.”

Expanding the Toolbox: Methods to Study and Refine Patient-Centered Medical Home Models

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Source: PCMH (Patient Centered Medical Home)

Type: Article

Level: Basic

Description: “This overview provides an introduction to the PCMH Research Methods Series and introduces methods or approaches that have the potential to expand and refine understanding of the PCMH as a complex health care intervention and innovation.”

Advanced Topics in Implementation Science Research

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Source: NCI (National Cancer Institute)

Type: Audio/video capture (60 min in duration)

Level: Advanced

Description:   The topic of this webinar is “How engaged are we? Measuring community engagement and partnership”. This webinar provides detailed models and strategies to implement and monitor community engagement and Community-based Participatory Research (CBPR).


Research Toolkit: Resources for Training

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Source:  University of Washington’s Institute for Translational Health Sciences: Clinical and Translational Sciences Award (CTSA) UL1 RR025014.

Type: Online Module

Level: Basic

Description: A compilation of  ”a few dozen resources that cover a range of issues from engaging with communities and ensuring research is culturally appropriate, to IRB and regulatory processes and study management. You may also come across these resources elsewhere in the Research Toolkit web site”:

Research Toolkit: Conducting and Managing Projects

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Source:  University of Washington’s Institute for Translational Health Sciences: Clinical and Translational Sciences Award (CTSA) UL1 RR025014.

Type: Online Module

Level: Basic

Description: This module is part of a toolkit for health research in partnership with practices and communities that is active and growing.

“Efficient and effective conduct of a research study of any size, or any topic, can be a challenge. We’ve collected a helpful array of resources to aid the study management process, including procedures for informed consent, operations manuals for clinical research, and ways to keep both research staff and participants engaged over time.”

Research Toolkit: Starting Up a Study

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Source:  University of Washington’s Institute for Translational Health Sciences: Clinical and Translational Sciences Award (CTSA) UL1 RR025014.

Type: Online Module

Level: Basic

Description: This is one module that is part of a toolkit for health research in partnership with practices and communities that is active and growing: “You’re funded (nice work!)… now what? There are a number of steps and considerations as you launch a project, including contractual agreements, ethical/regulatory approvals, and training study staff. Here, you’ll find resources for all of these steps in the process, as well as a guide for developing participant-centered study materials.”

The assessment, monitoring, and enhancement of treatment fidelity in public health clinical trials

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Source: Journal of Public Health Dentistry

Type: Article

Level: Intermediate

Description: This paper by B. Borrelli PhD introduces the concept of treatment fidelity in health behavior change trials conducted in public health contexts. It outlines the National Institutes of Health’s Behavioral Change Consortium framework for assessing and monitoring treatment fidelity across five domains: Study Design, Training, Delivery, Receipt, and Enactment. Specific guidelines on how to integrate treatment fidelity measures into study design and implementation are discussed.