Building Partnerships

Toolkit for Building Primary Care Research at your Community Health Center: Module 7- Partnerships for Research

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Source: Harvard Catalyst

Type: Online Modules

Level: Intermediate

Description: Community health centers that serve our most vulnerable populations play an important role in improving the health of communities. The potential for their role in the research enterprise and in translating evidence into practice is enormous. But, they often lack the infrastructure, resources, and time necessary to effectively lead or collaborate in research. This toolkit is designed to provide clinical and administrative staff at Community Health Centers with the elements involved in building a primary care research infrastructure.

Module 7 explores the various roles providers may play in a research partnership as well as explains the benefits and challenges of engaging in such partnerships. Furthermore, participants will learn to navigate the process of establishing a research partnership with an external researcher.

The toolkit is a product of the Safety Net Infrastructure Initiative, a program of the Community Health Innovation and Research Program, Harvard Catalyst | The Harvard Clinical and Translational Science Center.

Sample Statement of Work

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Source: AAPCHO

Type: PDF document

Level: Intermediate

Description: This document is a statement of work for a study entitled, “Garlic and the Prevention of Cancer” between a community health center and an academic institution. This sample provides language and structure for upon which to build.

Sample Memorandum of Agreement between Academia and Community Health Center

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Source: AAPCHO

Type: PDF document

Level: Intermediate

Description: This document is a MOA for sharing management responsibilities and for the sub contract relationship between an academic institution and a community health center.

Master Clinical Trial Agreement

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Source: AAPCHO

Type: PDF document

Level: Advanced

Description: This document offers language to use in drafting a clinical trial agreement.

Sample Memorandums of Understanding (MOU)

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Source: AAPCHO

Type: PDF document

Level: Intermediate

Description: These documents are examples of MOUs developed by Community-Academic Partnerships in conducting community-based participatory research. Samples include “Promoting Breast Health Information in Chinese and Filipinos” and “Friendly Access.”

More Sample Memorandums of Understanding (MOU)

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Source: Community-Campus Partnerships for Health

Type: PDF document

Level: Intermediate

Description: Collected by Community-Campus Partnerships for Health (CCPH), these documents are more examples of MOUs and MOAs (Memorandums of Agreement) developed for an array of partnerships.

CDC Prevention Research Center’s Partnership Trust Tool

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Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Type: Electronic Journal Article

Level: Intermediate

Description: Developed by the CDC, this tool kit helps assess and build trust between all partners in a collaborative, including but not limited to researchers, academia, communities, health departments.

CHC Research Collaboration Questionnaire – Asian Health Services (AHS)

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Source: Asian Health Services

Type: Electronic Questionnaire Tool

Level: Basic

Description: This document provides helpful questions for community organizations to ask of other organizations wishing to collaborate with them to better understand the goals and terms of collaboration.

Letter of Agreement and Scope of Work

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Source: AAPCHO

Type: PDF

Level: Basic

Description: This document provides a template on how to lay out the terms and conditions between two organizations, and how to outline services and materials in the scope of the work.

Strategies for Academic and Clinician Engagement in Community-Participatory Partnered Research

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Source: Charles R. Drew University, University of Medicine & Science

Type: Electronic Journal

Level: Intermediate

Description: This article introduces a new paradigm, community-partnered participatory research, a form of CBPR that emphasizes partnership with community sites in design, implementation and ownership of the research activities.