Ethics, IRB, and Informed Consent

Prim&r’s Am&rpsand Blog

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Source: PRIM&R’s Am&rpsand

Type: online blog

Level: Basic

Description: This blog spotlights those advancing high ethical standards in their research.

Lessons Learned Obtaining Informed Consent in Research with Vulnerable Populations in Community Health Center Settings

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Source:  Riden HE, Grooms KN, Clark CR, Cohen LR, Gagne J, Tovar DA, Ommerborn MJ, Orton PS, Johnson PA. BMC Research Notes.  2012 Nov 7; 5:624.

Type: Open Access Research Article

Level: Intermediate

Description: This research articles discusses  the informed consent process and recruitment barriers in the context of a medical record review study.


Toolkit for Building Primary Care Research at Your Community Health Center

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Source: Harvard Catalyst

Type: Toolkit

Level: Intermediate


From the toolkit:

“This toolkit is designed to provide clinical and administrative staff at Community Health Centers with the elements involved in building a primary care research infrastructure. Organized into eight stand-alone modules, health center clinicians and staff will find information on the following:

  1. Introduction to Quality Improvement and Research
  2. Building Primary Care Research Infrastructure
  3. Data: Access and Utilization
  4. Study Design and Methods Overview
  5. Dissemination and Action
  6. Funding Your Research
  7. Partnerships for Research
  8. Ethics and the Institutional Review Board”


Toolkit for Building Primary Care Research at your Community Health Center: Module 8- Ethics and the Institutional Review Board

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Source: Harvard Catalyst

Type: Online Modules

Level: Intermediate

Description: Community health centers that serve our most vulnerable populations play an important role in improving the health of communities. The potential for their role in the research enterprise and in translating evidence into practice is enormous. But, they often lack the infrastructure, resources, and time necessary to effectively lead or collaborate in research. This toolkit is designed to provide clinical and administrative staff at Community Health Centers with the elements involved in building a primary care research infrastructure. Organized into eight stand-alone modules, health center clinicians and staff will find information on the following:

Module 8 conveys the ethical challenges and considerations associated with community-based research. This module also discusses the purpose and function of an Institutional Review Board (IRB) and the different types of IRB reviews.

The toolkit is a product of the Safety Net Infrastructure Initiative, a program of the Community Health Innovation and Research Program, Harvard Catalyst | The Harvard Clinical and Translational Science Center.

Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research

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Source: Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research

Type: Blog

Level: Basic

Description: This blog spotlights those advancing high ethical standards in their research.

Using Information Technology to Improve Health Quality and Safety in Community Health Centers

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Source: Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Actions. 2007; 1(1):83-8

Type: Electronic Journal Article

Level: Basic