Level – Basic

Quick Health Data Online

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Source: The Office On Women’s Health at the US Department of Health and Human Services

Type: Online database

Level: Basic

Description: This database provides information and statistics on many health topics. Users can search for data by selecting from the following categories: access, codes and status, demographics, disease, maternal health, mental health, mortality, prevention, reproductive health, violence, and HP 2020; and selecting geographical areas to generate a report.

NIAID New Investigator and Early-Stage Investigator Portal

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Source: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease at National Institute of Health

Type: Online portal

Level: Basic

Description: This is a  menu that links  new investigators with NIH resources on grant writing and funding.

The Office of External Research News Blog (Rock Talk)

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Source: Office of Extramural Research at the National Institute of Health

Type: Online blog

Level: Beginner

Description: Dr. Sally Rockey, the Deputy Director for Extramural Research at the National Institutes of Health provides current updates on NIH-related research activities.

Addressing Health Equity: A Public Health Essential

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Source: Empire State Public Health Training

Type : Online course

Level : Basic


From the course overview:

This course serves as a primer for illustrating the root causes that shape health and health disparities. In addition to describing the complex interplay of social conditions associated with health disparities, it also provides a framework for exploring public and community health frameworks for addressing health equity.”

*This class requires PHTC login registration

Tips and Strategies for Developing Strong CBPR Proposals

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Source: Community-Campus Partnerships for Health

Type: PDF Document

Level: Basic

Description: This resource provides information on ways to strengthen research proposals on Community-Based Participatory Research. It also provides links to additional sources of funding for CBPR.

Research Toolkit: Disseminating and Closing Research

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Source:  University of Washington’s Institute for Translational Health Sciences: Clinical and Translational Sciences Award (CTSA) UL1 RR025014.

Type: Online Module

Level: Basic

Description: A toolkit for health research in partnership with practices and communities that is active and growing: http://www.researchtoolkit.org/

“Sharing research results is both an obligation and an opportunity. Since there are many considerations when a study concludes, we’ve provided several resources to help with the publication process, ideas for dissemination beyond publishing in a research journal, guidance for managing study data, and specific steps to facilitate the formal closure of a study.”

Research Toolkit: Conducting and Managing Projects

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Source:  University of Washington’s Institute for Translational Health Sciences: Clinical and Translational Sciences Award (CTSA) UL1 RR025014.

Type: Online Module

Level: Basic

Description: This module is part of a toolkit for health research in partnership with practices and communities that is active and growing. http://www.researchtoolkit.org/

“Efficient and effective conduct of a research study of any size, or any topic, can be a challenge. We’ve collected a helpful array of resources to aid the study management process, including procedures for informed consent, operations manuals for clinical research, and ways to keep both research staff and participants engaged over time.”

Research Toolkit: Starting Up a Study

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Source:  University of Washington’s Institute for Translational Health Sciences: Clinical and Translational Sciences Award (CTSA) UL1 RR025014.

Type: Online Module

Level: Basic

Description: This is one module that is part of a toolkit for health research in partnership with practices and communities that is active and growing: http://www.researchtoolkit.org/. “You’re funded (nice work!)… now what? There are a number of steps and considerations as you launch a project, including contractual agreements, ethical/regulatory approvals, and training study staff. Here, you’ll find resources for all of these steps in the process, as well as a guide for developing participant-centered study materials.”

Research Toolkit: Building Collaborations

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Source:  University of Washington’s Institute for Translational Health Sciences: Clinical and Translational Sciences Award (CTSA) UL1 RR025014.

Type: Online Module

Level: Basic

Description: This is one module that is part of a toolkit for health research in partnership with practices and communities that is active and growing: http://www.researchtoolkit.org/. “A solid foundation is essential to any successful project, whether you’re building a house or building a research network. The resources and tools found in this section cover fundamental aspects of partnerships, from finding partners to ensuring sustained engagement.”

Research Toolkit: Developing Proposals

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Source:  University of Washington’s Institute for Translational Health Sciences: Clinical and Translational Sciences Award (CTSA) UL1 RR025014.

Type: Online Module

Level: Basic

Description: This is one module that is part of a toolkit for health research in partnership with practices and communities that is active and growing: http://www.researchtoolkit.org/. Whether you are just getting started, or have been active in research for awhile, we have tools and guidance for all aspects of a research project, so that you don’t have to start from scratch. This web site is organized by phase of research, and all of the resources here have been vetted and curated by our team.

While the process of crafting a proposal involving multiple sites or partners is more demanding than a one-site project proposal, many members of the research community have developed tools and templates to make these processes a little easier. This section provides links to funding sources, budget development aids, and tips on good grant-writing, among other things.