Source: Science
Type: Online Reading
Level: Basic
Description: Provides career advice on improving your chances of receiving research funds.
Source: Science
Type: Online Reading
Level: Basic
Description: Provides career advice on improving your chances of receiving research funds.
Source: Clinical Trials Network
Type: Online Course
Level: Basic
Discription: Clinical Trials Network (CTN): Best Practices; Duke University
Source: NYC Department of Health
Type: Online Database (web)
Level: Basic
Description: EpiQuery is a web-based, user-friendly system designed to guide users through basic data analyses on several datasets. EpiQuery Modules are based on individual health datasets with varying topics and indicators for different NYC populations.
Source: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Type: PowerPoint & Lecture Materials
Level: Introductory
Discription: “Introduces unified topics that cut across many applications that show empirically to be most important in the day-to-day collaboration between the researchers in Public Health and Biostatistics and emphasizes concepts over details, through recent applications in Public Health.
Source: ClinDescience Consultancy for Drug and Clinical Development
Type: Article
Level: Introductory
Discription: This article reviews types of clinical trials and sampling strategies.
Source: Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) Archive
Type: Website
Level: Basic
Description: Detailed analysis of structures and stages of research. Topics discussed include implementation and incremental study.
Continuing Education Credits: N/A
Source: The Rockefeller University, Center for Clinical and Translational Science
Type: Webcast
Level: Basic
Description: Two part course on good clinical practice by researchers from Rockefeller University.
Continuing Education Credits: N/A
Source: NIH Office of Extramural Research
Type: Online Course
Level: Basic
Description: NIH Web-based training course consisting of seven modules, and guidance that describe the implementation of those principle. Four of the modules are followed by a quiz.
Continuing Education Credits: N/A
Source: NIH Center for Scientific Review
Type: YouTube Videos
Level: Basic
Description: CSR has produced a series of videos to give you an inside look at how scientists from across the country review NIH grant applications for scientific and technical merit. New and established applicants will find insights and understanding that can empower them to improve the applications and increase their chances for receiving a more positive review.
Continuing Education Credits: N/A
Source: Foundation Center
Type: Online Course
Level: Basic
Description: A short course on proposal writing. It is a suggested approach that can be adapted to fit the needs of any nonprofit and the peculiarities of each situation.
Continuing Education Credits: N/A
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